Video of the exhibition "A TRAVERS" (in french)Exhibition in June and July 2016 at l'ESPACE, FRENCH INSTITUT Hanoi - Vietnam
Import-Export molding faces by rice paper"IMPORT-EXPORT", Installation en galettes de riz moulage de visage Installation by rice paper, molding faces 200 x 160 cm C’est beau...
AutelPlexiglas, bocal de riz Impression à jet d'encre Plexiglas, jar with rice Inkjet printing 40x40x50 cm "Autel Traditionnel" -...
DeboutsDEBOUTS - STANDING 6 panels of plexiglass, inkjet printing, water, white acrylic C’est mon cœur arrêté qui stoppe englouti la balle figée...
First exhibition in VietnamAt "l'ESPACE" in Hanoi, from the French Institut INFOS: Facebook event PRESS:
Bao lâu rồiBao lâu rồi 60x50 cm Photographies anciennes, brou de noix Old photographs, walnut stain Back
PortraitPORTRAIT Fusain (non fixé), 8 écrans diposés à l'arrière du tableau Charcoal (non fixed), 8 screens in backside Back